Transitioning from Homelessness
Assistance in Transitioning from Homelessness
PATH, Projects for Assistance in Transitioning from Homelessness, is an outreach service in Delaware County (PA) that engages, and coordinates services and resources to meet the needs of individuals with mental illness who are homeless. Staff collaborate with individuals and assess their needs and preferences to assist with community integration. We work in conjunction with mental health specialists, community supports, and housing resources to facilitate a transition from homelessness to community living.
Location: PA: Delaware County
Additional Information: Call Residential Services, phone: 484-479-3469
Transitional Housing
Horizon House provides transitional housing with flexible residential supports for adults with serious mental illness, who are homeless, living in a shelter, have a history of homelessness, or, are at risk of becoming homeless (may include families with children). A service plan is developed to support priorities of each individual and provide opportunities for them to learn the skills and acquire the resources needed to transition to stable housing or other residential options.
Location: PA: Delaware County
Additional Information: Call the Delaware County Office of Behavioral Health, phone: 610-713-2365
Permanent Housing
Permanent Housing is a long-term, supportive service for adults offering varying levels of case management and rent subsidies. Over time, individuals may transition from these services to fair-market housing with alternative subsidies, such as Philadelphia Housing Authority vouchers.
Supports to Achieve Self Sufficiency
Supports to Achieve Self Sufficiency (SASS) located in Northeast Philadelphia is a permanent housing service for homeless single adults in individual apartment units. SASS services include case management and residential support services including skills to access permanent housing, developing budgets, shopping, cooking, apartment care and maintenance, and use of public transportation.
Location: PA: Philadelphia County
Additional Information: Admission to this program is coordinated through Philadelphia’s Transitions, Integration, and Partnership unit of the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disabilities Services ,phone: 215-546-0300
Housing First Treatment Teams and the Housing First Model
At Horizon House our goal is to decrease homelessness, enhance one’s quality of life, increase community integration, and reduce hospitalizations and incarcerations. Most importantly, we assist homeless men and women reach their goals. We have established Housing First Treatment Teams (HFTT) to provide support services using the models “Housing First” and “Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)”. We support chronically homeless persons with behavioral health disorders who have not been able to address their behavioral health and/or drug and alcohol issues or maintain housing through more traditional treatment approaches.
Services include crisis assessment and intervention 24/7, system assessment, management and treatment, prescription, administration documentation and monitoring of medication, mental health and/or addiction counseling (individual or group), activities of daily living instruction, using public transportation, assistance accessing benefits (medical, SSI or SSD, food stamps) and education or employment assistance.
Horizon House uses a variety of trauma-informed therapeutic approaches including peer-led Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) groups, cognitive behavioral therapy, and certified substance abuse treatment using a harm-reduction model of recovery.
Locations: PA: Philadelphia and Delaware Counties
Additional Information: Philadelphia County: Homeless Service, phone: 215-386-3838, ext. 12667; Delaware County: Homeless Services, phone: 610-328-1306
Shelter Plus Care
Shelter Plus Care helps individuals (may include families) with histories of homelessness and substance abuse obtain housing and achieve self-identified goals. Individuals are supported to sustain recovery and sobriety, obtain benefits; access education, employment, health care; receive assistance with family reunification, and community integration—with the end result of self-sufficiency. Upon successful program completion and six months of documented sobriety, individuals are eligible to secure housing or housing support services.
Applications for Shelter Plus Care are accepted through the Integrated Clearinghouse Software database of the Office of Supportive Housing.
Location: PA: Philadelphia County
Additional Information: Call Horizon House Homeless Services, phone: 215-386-3838, ext. 12603
Supports to Achieve Self Sufficiency
Supports to Achieve Self Sufficiency (SASS) is a permanent Horizon House housing service for homeless single adults living in an apartment unit. SASS services include case management and residential support services including skills to access permanent housing, developing budgets, shopping, cooking, apartment care and maintenance, and use of public transportation.
Location: PA: Philadelphia County
Additional Information: Admission to this program is coordinated through Philadelphia’s Transitions, Integration, and Partnership unit of the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disabilities Services, phone: 215-546-0300
Supported Housing/Supported Living Services
Horizon House operates programs in Delaware County offering housing options, rental assistance, subsidies, and flexible supports for homeless individuals with mental illness and/or co-occurring substance abuse. Services are designed to address the housing and mental health needs of individuals, help them acquire independent living skills, and facilitate increased independence in community living. Opportunities for individuals to connect with psychiatric, medical, social, educational, and vocational resources are provided.
Location: Delaware County
Additional Information: Call Horizon House Supportive Living for more information, phone: 610-918-4907; Individuals experiencing homelessness can also contact the Crossroads Recovery Center for additional support and resources, phone: 610-429-1702